About Paint a Miracle
Our Mission
The mission of Paint a Miracle is to create places, programs and possibilities for those of us with disabilities and other challenges to explore the arts in an atmosphere of hope, growth and encouragement. We believe that by engaging in the arts and discovering our inherent sense of creative expression, we are able to respond more effectively to our challenges, create personal peace and live fuller lives. We believe that the gifts of creativity and healing which flow from our efforts are blessings from our Creator God, and we pray for these miracles in the lives of all we serve and all we meet.
Our Story
Paint a Miracle Art Studio was inspired by Dr. Dale Propson and his artistic mentor, Helen Cuniff. In May 1985, Dr. Propson suffered a massive brain injury and loss of sight when a drunk driver hit his car. Months of coma were followed by years of rehabilitation. Though he tried various hobbies, these always ended in frustration.
One day in the spring of 1995, an aide took Dale to a local art studio owned by Helen. She came out to the car and invited Dale inside the studio. Dale told her he could not come inside to paint because he could not see. "You don't need your eyes to paint", she told him. "The image goes from your brain to your heart to your hand."
Helen not only taught Dale how to paint - she helped him overcome obstacles and rediscover his dignity. Drawing on his own experience, Dale suggested opening Paint a Miracle so that others with disabilities could benefit as he has. Helen has since died, but her legacy of creativity, inclusion, and love live on.
Paint a Miracle Art Studio opened its doors in 2002 and now maintains an art studio and gallery in downtown Rochester. At Paint a Miracle, artists work in a variety of mediums, including painting and drawing, ceramics and fiber arts. Their work is exhibited and sold in the Paint a Miracle gallery and throughout the community. Paint a Miracle is a place of independence, artistic freedom and inspiration - a place where one can enjoy the creative process amongst friends.